Year One Provisionally Certificated Teachers Programme - Years 5-8 City
Target group
Provisionally certificated teachers of years 5-8
UoA City campus
- Auckland
Erinna Law
In this six session programme mentor facilitators will guide participants through inquiry that aligns with their practice in schools. Experienced facilitators will be responsive to the needs of teachers, identifying and accessing expertise that supports their professional learning. The year one programme will include knowledge building around the new Literacy and Maths Curriculum and a workshop with Dr Mary Miller focussed on addressing student and teacher well-being.
Participants will benefit from the opportunity to share experiences and collaboratively problem solve with colleagues. Mentors will ensure that expectations and guidelines from the Teaching Council are understood and implemented.
The programme engages with Our Codes Our Standards to support inquiry that aligns with practice in schools and existing professional growth cycles.
Teacher reflection models will be shared, and participants supported to identify and maintain naturally occurring evidence that demonstrates they meet the Standards for the Teaching Profession, as they work towards full registration.
Friday 28 March 10am-2:30pm @ City campus UoA
Friday 16 May 10am-2:30pm @ City campus UoA
Thursday 12 June 10am-2:30pm @ City campus UoA
Thursday 14 August 10am-2:30pm @ City campus UoA
Thursday 11 September 10am-2:30pm @ City campus UoA
Friday 17 October 10am-2:30pm @ City campus UoA