Course details

Title How to manage behaviour in the classroom
Target group Teachers of Primary, Intermediate schools
Topic Teacher Practice
Support Staff
Level Primary
Code KHBO1
Venue City Campus - Auckland
Facilitator(s) Julie McDougall
Description This course will cover evidence informed proactive strategies for application by teachers to reduce disruptive behaviours and enhance engagement of students. It will explore appropriate ways to encourage students to be attentive, strategies for building positive teacher-student relationships, and the possible causes of general student misbehaviour and effective teacher responses to these.

Tips on how to manage the rest of the class while working with a group, will also be shared together with managing transitions and class-wide incentives.

At the completion of the course participants will be able to:

• Develop an understanding of the difference between classroom routines and behaviour management and recognise the value of this.
• Build strategies on how to effectively get student’s attention in a variety of settings.
• Recognise ineffective teacher responses, develop new strategies and refine existing ones.
• Learn strategies to manage the rest of the class while working with a group.
• Identify what makes students act out and explore ways to avoid it occurring
• Develop strategies for enhancing teacher-student relationships.
• Identify a variety of positive reinforcement /reward systems.
Date(s) Thursday 6 March 9:30am-12:30pm
Fee $190